Recent News
My new book, 'Post-Truth Politics: Brave New World?' is currently in production and will be published by Taylor & Francis under the Routledge imprint in January 2025. Check it out here: Post-Truth Politics: A Brave New World? - 1st Edition - Elesa Zehndorf (
I recently spoke at TEDx Klagenfurt about the threat of fake news. The video will be published shortly.
I post regularly on financial and political topics on my Psychology Today blog: (Political Animals & Animal Spirits). Many of my articles have been selected by Psychology Today as essential topics or Breaking News (e.g. see this Essential Topic in Behavioural Economics article - How Midterm Election Results Can Hurt Your Profits and Maskirovka: The Weaponizing of Misinformation | Psychology Today
As a health & wellness writer, Pilates coach and PT, I have written extensively on health-related topics. For example, see a range of my articles on leading Canadian health & wellness website Health Canal, health & fitness-themed content for British Mensa and The Sports Edit: The Best Online Pilates Workouts | The Sports Edit
I also regularly speak at events and conferences, most recently at the European Liberal Forum 'Bad News Travels Fast: Fake News Travels Even Faster' event held at the historic National Liberal Club in Whitehall, London.
Upload, my debut novel, is attracting some great five-star reviews! Check it out on Amazon and Goodreads today.
Much of my writing focuses on American politics, but I also focus on British governance issues too. One of the articles that I most enjoyed writing in this vein was a book chapter for the Emerald Insight academic journal Public Leadership in Crisis? titled Michael Gove, Charismatic Leadership and the Radical Reorganisation of English School Sport | Emerald Insight
I'm proud to have written a chapter for 'Rethinking Leadership for a Green World' (2022; Ed. Andrew Taylor) titled The Weaponisation of Climate Change: Environmental Leadership in the Age of Trump. Order your copy here: Rethinking Leadership for a Green World - 1st Edition - Andrew Taylor (
I love writing sports focused content, particularly where there is a powerful crossover to business (the focus of my PhD, in fact). Here's one of my favourites that I got to write - an article titled Lessons from the Locker Room that I authored for the Institute of Leadership & Management's Edge Summer 2018 magazine (pp. 43-45.) Edge Summer 2018 by LID Business Media - Issuu
I was recently funded by the Philippine Olympic Commission to visit the beautiful island of Palawan to deliver a keynote speech on the value of storytelling. It was a wonderful event attended by many luminaries in the field of sport, including many former Olympic champions. Proof that the magic of stories can transport us around the world!
My fifth title for Routledge - Leadership (2nd Edition): Performance Beyond Expectations can be found in the libraries of some of the world's leading academic institutions - and it is now attracting some great early five-star reviews on Amazon!
It is always a genuine pleasure to lecture on the leadership module on the TEE Executive MBA in Romania. Find out more here.
I have also published academic research articles, including